Get Smart with Smart-Entry Fields

Homeschool Tracker has a number of smart-entry fields which allow you to pick from an existing list of items for that field, or allow you to create a new entry on the fly.

In any Smart-Entry field, you can bring up a list of options by pressing the space bar in the field, or refine the list by entering one or more letters in the field.

You can even create a new entry on they fly by simply typing in the name of the new item. Homeschool Tracker will save the new entry to the appropriate list when you click or touch "Save".

Let's take a closer look at how these fields work in the video below:

You can check out the detailed documentation on Smart-Entry fields in our help guide here. As always, let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at, or leaving a comment below!

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Webinar Replay: Getting Started with Homeschool Tracker


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